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Listening to Singing Bowl online 網上聽頌缽

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

I like playing the sound of singing bowl at home or in my headphones. It helps me concentrate better when I am working or studying, and gives my home a calming, spa-like vibe when I am relaxing or meditating.

Below are some of my favourite singing bowl sound tracks - tried and tested! You can hear the sound of rain, nature, chirping birds and other sound therapy instruments in some of them too. I am also sharing a singing bowl music CD by Man-Tung Tsang, a renowed Hong Kong scenographer and singing bowl artist. It is great to just put them on in the background, best in your headphones, on a low volume.

However, the sound of singing bowl in speakers / headphones is not as authentic as the real one because the delicate and visceral frequencies of the bowls are easier to be felt in person than to be captured by a recording equipment. But if you do not have a bowl at home, or do not have time to go out for a singing bowl session, trust that these videos will give you 80% of the effect too! Enjoy!




但若要感受頌缽的震頻,氛圍,還有和身體與頌缽共鳴共振之物理性反應,還是需要現場聆聽 - 畢竟錄音效果跟現場敲頌缽的效果還是有些差異。


Singing Bowl Music by Man-Tung Tsang


For Sleep or Relaxation


For Work and Study 集中精神系列

For Meditation


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