你有使用水晶的習慣嗎?相信你有用過白水晶簇、鼠尾草、聖木、日月光浴甚至流動水能給水晶淨化消磁。今天為大家介紹如何用頌缽給水晶淨化消磁。 家有頌缽的話不妨試試! 1️. 放置水晶到缽中或平放在缽的周邊 (小貼士- 如選擇把水晶放進缽中,可先在缽內鋪上小布或紙巾。這樣可以避免晶石妨礙頌缽發聲,亦能避免頌缽震動時與晶石撞擊而令水晶碎裂。) 2. 用木棒或磨棒輕敲頌缽邊沿,或沿缽外邊順時針磨擦。亦可把缽放置掌心,另一隻手敲/磨缽時,邊把缽帶動 3. 觀賞與感受頌缽音頻圍繞著水晶,把能量淨化 4. 繼續敲/磨缽,直到你感到水晶已經淨化完畢 如家中沒有頌缽,你亦可以帶水晶跟你一齊參加坊間的頌缽浴,和你一起聽頌缽 每當我進行頌缽練習,我都會讓我的水晶們做我的觀眾。久而久之,它們都變得柔潤,閃亮和快樂 Do you know you can cleanse and recharge your beloved stones with a singing bowl? Here’s how: 1. place your crystal inside (tips - layer a small piece of fabric or tissue paper first before putting the stone in. This can protect your stones from rocking against the bowl when the bowl vibrates), OR outside the bowl (if you have a few crystals to cleanse or the stones are too big to sit in the bowl steadily) 2️. gently tap the side of the bowl, or rub the outer edge of the bowl in a clockwise direction with the stick. Alternatively, place the bowl on your palm, and hover it above and around your Crystal while tapping / rubbing the bowl 3️. as the bowl sings, visualise how the bowl is transmitting sound waves to your crystal, cleansing and restoring their energies 4️. keep tapping or rubbing the bowl until you feel the cleansing is done Try giving your crystal a singing bowl orchestra today, or bringing them with you to your next sound bath session! My crystal definitely look more happy, radiant and sparkly after the sound bath
How to cleanse your crystals with singing bowl 利用頌缽替水晶淨化消磁
Updated: Aug 9, 2020